What better way to end January than with some seed ordering!
Here is our list of what we ordered, (from the lovely
www.giyireland.com shop) and what we hope to grow successfully this year (for ourselves NOT the slugs!).
Beetroot 'Detroit Globe' :

We did not have much luck with our Beetroot last year as the slugs made their way through the seedlings I planted out, so this year I intend to sow all the seeds and hope for the best!
Cabbage, Savoy 'Vertus':
We grew Savoy cabbage last year and what wasn't eaten by slugs was fairly successful, so going to stick with these guys again this year. They produce a nice solid head, while the slugs can have the outer leaves!
Brussel Sprouts 'Brigitte F1':

Never tried growing Brussel Sprouts before, but my mother has had great success with hers, so going to give these a try this year. Fingers crossed for our home grown sprouts for Christmas!
Lettuce, Butterhead 'Sylvesta':
Lettuce has to be one of the easiest plants to grow. I always plant enough though to share with the slugs and plant at intervals too so that we try to have continuous Lettuce throughout the summer.
Salad Mix, Spicy and hot:

Every garden should have a pot for salad mix!
Carrot, 'Autumn King':

A total disaster last year, every time a seedling popped it's head up out of the soil there was a big fat slug waiting to eat it. This year I plan on sowing more than last year in the hope we get at least one or 2 carrots....
Pea, Sugar Snap 'Delikett':

A lovely addition to the garden, I planted our Peas too late last year to have anything more than a couple of pods that we ate every time we passed the bed.
Scallions, spring onion 'Ishikura Bunching':

No salad is the same without a few scallions!
Tomato 'Sungold':
We are trying a different variety this year, after 2 successful years with 'Gardeners Delight'.
We have a few more things to get, but I think I'll leave that for another day.