Here is our list of what we ordered, (from the lovely shop) and what we hope to grow successfully this year (for ourselves NOT the slugs!).
Beetroot 'Detroit Globe' :
We did not have much luck with our Beetroot last year as the slugs made their way through the seedlings I planted out, so this year I intend to sow all the seeds and hope for the best!
Cabbage, Savoy 'Vertus':
We grew Savoy cabbage last year and what wasn't eaten by slugs was fairly successful, so going to stick with these guys again this year. They produce a nice solid head, while the slugs can have the outer leaves!
Brussel Sprouts 'Brigitte F1':
Never tried growing Brussel Sprouts before, but my mother has had great success with hers, so going to give these a try this year. Fingers crossed for our home grown sprouts for Christmas!
Lettuce, Butterhead 'Sylvesta':
Lettuce has to be one of the easiest plants to grow. I always plant enough though to share with the slugs and plant at intervals too so that we try to have continuous Lettuce throughout the summer.
Salad Mix, Spicy and hot:
Every garden should have a pot for salad mix!
Carrot, 'Autumn King':
A total disaster last year, every time a seedling popped it's head up out of the soil there was a big fat slug waiting to eat it. This year I plan on sowing more than last year in the hope we get at least one or 2 carrots....
Pea, Sugar Snap 'Delikett':
A lovely addition to the garden, I planted our Peas too late last year to have anything more than a couple of pods that we ate every time we passed the bed.
Scallions, spring onion 'Ishikura Bunching':
No salad is the same without a few scallions!
Tomato 'Sungold':
We are trying a different variety this year, after 2 successful years with 'Gardeners Delight'.
We have a few more things to get, but I think I'll leave that for another day.
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