It feels like ages since I blogged last, its been a busy week.
We had a heating change, swapped this
old oil cooker, now in our porch |
for this....
and left with this gap to fill....
gorgeous isnt it?..not
So now we have the 'incredibly hard' job (tongue in cheek) of finding a new cooker to fill the gap...........hehe we are looking forward to this job with glee!!
That was Wed & Thurs, then on Sat our youngest child celebrated his First Holy Communion. The ceremony was lovely, the innocence of all the kids was a joy to witness, brought a wee tear to my eye!
So Bank Holiday weekend over its back to work!!
Courgette/Gourd bed
The Courgettes need a new home, and I've the bed ready for them. I decided to cover the bed with black permeable sheeting, not just to control weeds (not a problem with these veg) but to act like a mulch to retain moisture. The experts say that straw is great for under these type of plants, but I have no access to any straw.
They are all starting to flower, now I have the hard task of picking out 3 to plant, then give the remainder away.
Think we'll have loads of veg! |
So we're off out to the garden now, it has stopped raining! yay! hopefully long enough to do some planting....we also have a few Dahlias, Fessias and Primulas that we bought at Bloom in the Park on Monday to plant. Must go....stop dossing!!
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